CREANDO WINDOWS DESKTOP APPLICATION: Para crear el proyecto de Windows App y ejecutarlo: 0.Download and install NodeJS from the NodeJS Website 1. Descargar para la version de OS que se quiere y descomprimir: nw.js Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies. Quedo instalado en: C:\Users\josnersosa\Desktop\NEXTLOOPSOLUTIONS\nwjs-v0.12.0-win-x64 2. Crear el folder del proyecto C:\your\project\folder\src y crear archivo package.json. Incluir codigo fuente HTML,JS, CSS alli. Quedo en: C:\Users\josnersosa\Desktop\NEXTLOOPSOLUTIONS\NEXTdrawDesktop\src 3. Para ejecutar el proyecto, ir al folder en 1 y ejecutar: nw.exe C:\your\project\folder\src Para el ejemplo queda asi: nw.exe C:\Users\josnersosa\Desktop\NEXTLOOPSOLUTIONS\NEXTdrawDesktop\src Para empaquetar el proyecto de Windows App: 0. Ejecutar (SOLO PARA CONFIGURAR EL ENTORNO, SE HACE UNA SOLA VEZ EN LA MAQUINA) npm install -g grunt-cli 2. Crear en la carpeta base del proyecto C:\your\project\folder\ los archivos package.json y Gruntfile.js, de la siguiente manera: / +-- dist +-- Gruntfile.js +-- package.json +-- src +-- index.html +-- package.json +-- js ¦ +-- index.js +-- css +-- style.css By using the grunt-node-webkit-builder it is necessary to keep the source of the building tool (all in the root directory) separate from the source code of the node-webkit program. Otherwise it may happen that the building tools (Grunt, you know?) get bundled in the node-webkit program as well which leads to high file sizes and slow execution times. So it’s clear we specify in /package.json only the dependencies that are necessary for the building process: { "name": "do-my-build", "version": "0.0.1", "description": "Using Grunt to build my little program", "author": "Falco Nogatz ", "private": true, "dependencies": { "grunt": "~0.4.2", "grunt-node-webkit-builder": "~0.1.14" } } We also have to create the Gruntfile.js: module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('src/package.json'), nodewebkit: { options: { build_dir: './dist', // specifiy what to build mac: false, win: true, linux32: false, linux64: true }, src: './src/**/*' }, }); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-node-webkit-builder'); grunt.registerTask('default', ['nodewebkit']); }; The real node-webkit program can be written now in the /src directory. As also mentioned in the tutorials linked above, the /src/package.json should be filled with some node-webkit related fields: { "name": "my-program", ... "main": "index.html", "window": { "toolbar": false, "width": 800, "height": 600 } } 3. Ir a la carpeta del proyecto y ejecutar: npm install grunt --save-dev 4. Luego ejecutar: npm install grunt-node-webkit-builder --save-dev 5. To build the node-webkit program for the architectures specified in /package.json you simply have to call the command: (erase cached source file at C:\Users\USUARIO\AppData\Local\app_name) o for(module in global.require.cache){ if(global.require.cache.hasOwnProperty(module)){ delete global.require.cache[module]; } } location.reload() o gui.APP.clearCache() is working for me. Potentially this is due to an update to NW. I am running 0.11.5. Also this answer appears to no longer work. o var customClearCache = function(){ var dir = path.join(gui.App.dataPath, '/Cache'); fs.remove(dir, function(err) { if (err) return console.error(err) fs.mkdirs(dir, function(err) { if (err) return console.error(err) // This is where I start my app }); }); }; h (recordar poner en 0 la opcion de guardar cache de firefox) grunt